At first sight , this is a cartoon in black and white from the cartoonist Nate Beeler. This cartoon shows us a TV newscaster and his cameraman, he is equip with his video camera.The TV newscaster looks enthusiastic, fine and more importantly proud of himself , with one of his hands in his pocket and the other one has a microphone , however we can't see the cameraman's face, because it's hidden by the video camera . The newscaster is interviewing an immigrant , the immigrant looks lost and helpless. Actually he looks like if he just arrived , he seems helpless. He is wearing shabby clothes, a cap and mustache and he doesn't have shoes on. He has under his left arm a carpet winds and on his right hand some bags with maybe the only things he has got left. His foot look hurting because he has a thorn wire hangs to him. Contrary to the TV newscaster, he talks Spanish even though the TV newscaster speaks in English.
In 2006, the 300 millionth American borned, the demographer William Freys said in the CBS NEWS it will be "a Latino baby boy born in Los Angeles to a Mexican-Immigrant mother,"
Both the cameraman and the TV news maker look well dress compared with the Spanish immigrant .
They ask to him How do you feel about this Milestone sir ? A Milestone is a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation.
And the answer gives by the Hispanic man is ¿qué? ( what ) in English, actually this man doesn't know how to speak in English or maybe he just speaks a kind of “Spanglish” but not a fluid English like the TV news maker maybe this situation between this tree characters happen in the frontier between United State and Mexico which is one of the most important border of America because of the illegal immigration. An important aspect is that in United-State there are many Mexican than American and in 2006 the fact that the 300 millionth American were Hispanic caught the attention of the world .
3) How far does it illustrate the 'Spaces & Exchanges' notion?
In my opinion this cartoon illustrate what an American see on tv in the night in the news,an immigrant about to be interviewed just after he has passed the border and the American is in the impossibility to do something . The notion Spaces and Exchanges can be illustrate with this cartoon thanks to the Tv news maker who represent the exchange of information between the Americans and this hispanic man , he represents the exchange of culture , way of life ,the spaces can be the frontier between Mexico and United-State which are so critize because of the illegal immigration and the fact that they have a lot of problems because of drugs and arms that come from Mexico to go to the USA , this exchanges are call exchanges from south to north , they are also exchanges of goods because the compagnies are in Mexico and they need to go to USA to be consume .
OK Marie.
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