1) What struck me the most in the movie is how the director use a terrible topic from nowadays society and make something so artistic and beautiful thanks to the music and the sensitivity of the caracters.
2) I think that something that impressed me also , is the way to produce the film , with the mix of different scene , the different point of view we've got for all the caracters ( from the background for instance)
3) Yes, i think the movie is really to long actually the film drag on , in my opinion . I think we should skip some scene or maybe make it shorter .
4) Something in find disturbin it's that , at the beggining we focus on John , and on his yellow t-shirt , so we may think "he will be maybe the killer" because of his alcoholic father . It's a really hard situation for a Young guy . We can also think he is the killer because in all the movie's cover we've got his face , kissing by Acadia , so maybe all the movie will turn around this special caracters ( we start the movie with him , that is something really specail ) and how he will deal with the massacre.
Somethig also disturbing in my opinión is that , with John t-shirt we focus on a bull but actually the film it's call elephant .
5) The most shocking in my opinión ,was the scene between Eric and Alex .When Alex was taking a shower and Eric get into the shower with Alex and he confess that he has never kissed somoene before and both Kiss . I don't like the way the scene was made , and i think the fact that at the beginning we saw the meeting to talk about gays and this scene was in relation and the director in my opinion doesn't use it as much he can .
6) The film suggest about the two school shooters that maybe they were bullied because of there own sexuality and they want to take revenge .
7) The film director make clear about the two killers that they were both surffering bullying , and they don't feel confortable with the people of this high school and the only way they find was to made a school schooting , killing all the people who made fun of them in the past because of their difference.
8) I think Gus Van with this movie , take part of the victims and how hard can be to suffer in high school , and the fact that the reason of school schootings are not many time because of the shotters , but because there is like a background of pain because of other people in the school.
9)The main consequence of the realistic treatment he uses is maybe that people may react about school shooting and will try to help the people who are surffering bullying before they create a tragedy , or maybe before they kill themself.
10) As a conclusion we must admit that the killers are shown as victims of the society , surffering bullying because of stupid high school Young guys , and actually they really need help , they can't being forget and marginalize by the others because this can create a tragedy, or maybe this can degenerate into suicide.